Situation: A television network that films specialty religious commercials has a central storage building of all the various props that may be required. Specific props are required to be delivered to specific sound stages on the campus as needed for filming, and then returned to central storage. If a prop is not available or the condition is unacceptable, the filming cannot take place, costing thousands of dollars in unproductive time for the sound stage and personnel involved.
Solution: The HAL Traxx Assets solution is used with a mobile function to enable film directors to request specific props to be delivered to a sound stage at a specific date and time. The image-enabled feature allows the director to view an image of the prop before requesting it to insure suitability. The central warehouse receives a tasking to deliver the props as requested. The quarantine function is used when props are retuned and inspected to insure that props needing repair are not sent out for use. The authorization matrix allows only specific users to inspect a prop and remove it from quarantine for use.
Result: Expensive sound stage downtime due to missing props or props in unacceptable condition has been eliminated. Reporting of the prop asset base helps manage future maintenance and procurement of this critical resource for to studio.
Baseline functions
Asset Age